Irish Stew
Choreographed by Lois Lightfoot
Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance
Music: Irish Stew by Sham Rock
Women Rule The World by Lonestar
Days Go By by Keith Urban

Side Switches, Clap Twice, Heel Switches Forward, Clap Twice
1& Touch right toe out to side, bring right back in place
2& Touch left toe out to side, bring left foot back in place
3&4 Touch right toe out to side clap twice
5& Touch right heel forward, bring right foot back in place
6& Touch left heel forward, bring left foot back in place
7&8 Touch right heel forward, clap hands twice

Shuffle Forward, Rock Recover, Coaster Step, Pivot ½ Turn
1&2 Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward
3-4 Rock forward onto left foot, recover weight onto right foot
5&6 Step left foot back, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward
7-8 Step forward onto right foot, pivot ½ turn to left

Right Cross Rock, Chassé Side, Left Cross Rock Chassé Side
1-2 Cross rock right foot over left, recover weight onto left foot
3&4 Step right foot to side, close left to right, step right foot to side
5-6 Cross rock left foot over right foot, recover weight onto right foot
7&8 Step left foot to side, close right next to left, step left foot to side

Toe Touches, Sailors Shuffle, Toe Touches, Sailors ¼ Turn Left
1-2 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to side
3&4 Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to side, step right foot to side
5-6 Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to side
7&8 Cross left behind right making ¼ turn left, step right to side, step left next to right